Translation Principles Training
One of the APSDA EC attended the Translation Principles Workshop in Indonesia from May 13 to 17, 2024. He said, “Although I had previously learned the C.A.N.A. principles, I was impressed and had my eyes opened to the importance of this concept when I learned about "L" (Logical Connection) from the Summer Institute of Linguistics - Global Sign Language Team. This concept is useful for exegetical support as well as translators.” |
The 45 "Follow God How" Launching
The Asia 03 team celebrated the 45 "Follow God How" Stories Launch on June 15, 2024, with approximately 80 Deaf attendees from various churches. It was a wonderful blessing! |
Trauma Healing Workshop in Mongolia
The SIL-GSLT consultant and APSDA facilitators led a trauma healing workshop with 12 Deaf participants (5 from the Bible Translation Project and 7 from the Deaf church) in Mongolia from June 22 to 28, 2024. The participants were very eager to learn about trauma healing. They aim to hold another workshop in their own country. |
Deaf Arts Workshop in Thailand
16 Deaf people from different churches in Thailand participated in a "Deaf Arts-Poem and Song" session organized by the Thai Sign Language Bible Translation Project. The workshop was facilitated by the ThSLBT team with monitoring and advice from the SIL-GSLT arts consultant. |
The Deaf Bible Society donated one-third of the requested funds to the Korean Sign Language Bible House. Some members of the KSLBH team can now begin working full-time. Praise God! |
Deaf Church Workshop in Fiji
Deaf Church Workshop held in Nadi, Fiji, on August 26-30, 2024. It was a huge success! DOOR International, Pioneer Bible Translators, SIL-GSLT, and APSDA all were able to engage with Deaf leaders from the 5 countries represented: Fiji, PNG, Solomon Islands, Samoa, and Kiribati. We were able to develop key relationships and convey information that really impacted the Deaf representatives. Some key takeaways from the 5-day workshop are:
Bible Translation Workshop in Fiji
Bible Translation Workshop for the Fiji Deaf community on Sept 2nd through the 6th. We had around 12 participants attend the workshop every day. We were able to raise awareness with local Deaf community members. Also, partner organization Summer Institute of Linguistics - Global Sign Language Team was able to engage various Bible translation topics for a successful Bible translation project. On the last day of the workshop, the group selected 6 translation team members: 5 Deaf Fijians and one hearing Fijian to support the project. We will be meeting with the team bi-weekly to continue the momentum, working with them to develop a project proposal in the coming months as they engage the local deaf community and churches. |
UBS Consultant Conference 2024
The United Bible Societies Consultant Conference 2024 was organized by UBS, SIL-GSLT, and APSDA. It took place in Cambodia from September 11 to 13, 2024, and it was a wonderful opportunity to connect with Deaf people and hearing representatives of different Bible Societies in Asia Pacific and international organizations. The main topic of discussion was how Deaf and hearing people can form strong relationships and collaborate while respecting one another. |
APSDA EC Trainings
The APSDA Executive Committees held a training with three events from October 2-4 and 7-11, 2024. “Field Coordinators" - Describe how we collaborate and interact with Bible translation projects. "Scripture Engagement" - Encourage Bible translation actions to use Scripture to meet the needs of the Deaf people. and "Security and Safety" - Being well-prepared and attentive of how to protect ourselves from unusual threats such as hackers or scammers while traveling. |
ETEN Summit
One member of the APSDA Executive Committee attended the ETEN Summit in Virginia, United States from November 11 to 14, 2024. There was a five-day lecture about God's armor and its various explanations, and the messages were very inspirational. We had prayer walks to break down barriers, oppression, and discrimination. The translation projects are seeking to create more collaboration, support, and musutal respect, while also spreading God's message. In a similar way, APSDA holds a world prayer meeting with other translation projects and organizations on the first Wednesday of each month. |
APSDA Conference 2024
The APSDA Conference 2024, with the theme "Sign Language Scripture Engagement," was held in Bangkok, Thailand from November 18 to 22, 2024, with 85 participants from 12 translation projects, 2 start-up projects, and 5 different organizations from 20 different countries. The film "Jesus" was also shown. Some of the attendees stated, "It was very beneficial to us, and we plan to apply the Scripture Engagement strategies in our home country." Big thanks to the APSDA Conference Committee who did a great job for the event. |